Després de la tortura de 27 hores en un taxi compartit, dues en cotxe i una en barca, arribo a Pulau Derawan, el meu objectiu final. Una illa a la part est de Kalimantan, Indonèsia, a la illa de Borneo. M'han dit és molt xula però us he de confessar que no surt ni a la meva guia. Allí trobo turistes per primera vegada en una setmana. De seguida fem un grupet maco i passem uns dies fantàstics. Nedant, fent esnorkelling, jugant a voleiball, passejant pel poble, fent tours a les illes pròximes... Principalment passo les hores amb la simpàtica Flore, francesa, amb la qui comparteixo habitació, tours, despeses i rialles.
In love with Pulau Derawan, Kalimantan part 2
After 27 hours of a horrible trip by shared taxi, 2 hours by car and 1 by boat, I finally get to Pulau Derawan. This small island on the east side of Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo, looks very exciting but it's not even commented in my guidebook. Here I meet other travellers for the first time in a week. We quickly form a nice group of people and we spend some fantastic days swimming, snorkelling, playing voleiball, strolling around the village, visiting nearby islands... I spend my days mainly with friendly Flore from France which whom I share a room, tours, meals, laughs and good company.