dijous, 31 de maig del 2012

The natural paradise of Palawan

I'd been preparing my visit to the Philippines for months with long emails to and from Alex. Alex is a guy I met in my Antarctica cruise last year while travelling in South America. He was born in the Philippines, in Mindanao, but went to study in the USA when he was 19. Now he lives in San Francisco and decided he would show me his country! Thank you buddy! Alex is very clever but didn't recognized the Beach Boys, Yoko Ono or Sir Anthony Hopkins when he met them someday during his busy life. OMG!!!

Feia mesos que preparava la meva visita a Filipines amb llargs emails intercanviats amb l'Alex. L'Alex és un noi que vaig conèixer al meu creuer a Antàrctica l'any passat quan visitava Amèrica del Sud. Ell va néixer a Filipines i als 19 anys va marxar a estudiar als Estats Units. Ara viu a San Francisco i va decidir que m'acompanyaria en aquesta aventura i m'ensenyaria el seu país. Jo encantat. L'Alex és un crac però ha estat xerrant amb els Beach Boys, la Yoko Ono i en Anthony Hopkins sense adonar-se que eren ells fins més tard. Quin paio!!!


dilluns, 14 de maig del 2012

Sarawak i Kuala Lumpur

Primer de tot volia comentar-vos una cosa sobre la meva amiga Lisa. 
La Lisa, canadenca de Vancouver, amb la qual vaig viatjar 5 mesos per Àfrica i vaig viure experiències impressionants que encara avui no em puc creure, està a punt de treure el seu disc al mercat. Mentre viatjàvem, escoltàvem el disc dia i nit. M'encanta. Té una veu fantàstica. Escriu totes les cançons, i n'és la guitarrista rítmica i cantant. Us dic això perquè podeu escoltar dues de les seves cançons a la pàgina web del seu grup Joyce Island. http://www.joyceisland.ca/

Sarawak and Kuala Lumpur

First of all I wanted to say some words about my friend Lisa. 
She's from Vancouver, Canada, and I travelled with her around 5 months through Africa. Lisa and I lived incredible experiences that still today I cannot believe they really happened. She is a musician and she is going to release her record soon. While we were travelling we used to listen to it day and night. I love it. She is the leader of her own band, the song writer and rithmic guitar player. You can now listen to a couple of songs at her band's website. http://www.joyceisland.ca/


diumenge, 6 de maig del 2012

Itinerari d'una volta al món actualitzat

( http://mainocaminaresol.blogspot.com/2009/03/itinerari-de-una-volta-al-mon.html ). 
Des de llavors he canviat els meus plans centenars de vegades per descobrir que tenir plans quan es viatja és dolent.

Updated itineray of my around the world trip

I like to follow my blog's data: how many people read it, from where are they from, which posts are more read. Curiously enough, I realized that the post that has attracted more people is my first itineray of this trip.

 It's always in the weekly top 5. In there I describe what are my plans and the countries I'd like to visit. Since then I have changed plans hundreds of times until I ended learning that plans are bad when travelling.